
Find the Midsem notes linked: MM 454 IITB Midsem (Google Drive link)

  • In Seawater severe corrosion may be caused due to pitting corrosion or crevice or stress corrosion cracking.
  • Evans Diagram for two metals with corresponding hydrogen reductions, involves the individual lines adding up. Using mixed potential theory, total rate of oxidation should equal total rate of reduction.
  • Pourbaix Diagram for three species in equilibrium has \(\left(\begin{array}{c} 3\\2 \end{array}\right)=3\) lines which intersect at the same point. Passivation region is where MO is stable, Immunity region is where M is stable and corrosion region is where \(M^{+}\) is stable.
  • For concetration of oxygen in ppm, there is diffusion control hence \(i_{corr}=i_L\). Relating the flux with Diffusivity and concetration using the Fick’s Law gives us \(i_L= D_{O_{2}} \frac{C^{O_2}_B}{\delta} nF\).