It requires no effort to see something new, the effort lies in unlearning the biases ahead of our seeing.

Student Instructor (Courses at UM)

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn as I teach the following courses at UM:

Calculus-1 FA 2020

Calculus-1 WN 2021

Teaching Assistant (Courses at IIT Bombay)

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to teach (and relearn) the following courses at IITB:


Linear Algebra

Ordinary Differential Equations

Quantum Physics

Symmetry and Structure of Crystals

Laser Processing and Nanostructures

Ceramics and Powder Processing

TSC Teaching Assistant (Student Support Services)

  • Concducted Excel sessions in vernacular languages for students having difficulties with English and for those facing severe conceptual difficulties.
  • Conducted Help sessions (concept review and problem solving) for PH 107 Quantum Physics and Applications, MA 106 Linear Algebra for the freshmen batch.
  • Please follow the Student Support Services page for announcements regarding further sessions.

Teaching Assistant (Department Academic Mentorship Program)

  • Conducted help (concept review and problem solving) sessions on many department courses for the junior batches of the deparmtent on demand.
  • Class Representatives may contact DAMP team or send me an email ( for requesting a help session.

Mentor for Summer of Science (Maths and Physics Club, IIT Bombay)

I have been a mentor for Summer of Science (SOS) of Maths and Physics Club, IIT Bombay for the last three summers.

I have been fortunate to interact with many bright students who were extremely committed to their project throughout the summer. Here are some of the project reports:

Course Reviewer (Institute Academic Council)