
Geometric Control, Quantum Computing, BCS Superconductivity, Josephson Junctions, Google Qubit, Quantum error correction



Efficient information processing and secure information travel are major problems faced by humans. To be able to build materials for quantum computing, I started with my project on BCS theory and high temperature superconducting materials. Surveyed literature on solid state theory including BCS theory of superconductivity and explored explanations of high temperature superconducting materials. Studying Josephson junctions and Google’s implementation of qubits for building Quantum computers. This builds on my background in topological quantum computing for which I did a course project on Kitaev Model and Majorana Fermions covering Jordan-Wigner Transforms, braiding and Non-Abelian Statistics. I will also be learning spectroscopy techniques including NMR, optimal control and error correction for quantum control of systems.


The tremendous amount of work done in the field of superconductivity can be seen just by a quick glance at the Nobel prizes awarded to Kamerlingh Onnes for the discovery of superconductivity [1], John Bardeen, Leon Cooper and Robert Schrieffer for the microscopic (BCS) theory of superconductivity [2], Brian Josephson for the Josephson effect in superconducting junctions [3], Georg Bednorz and Alex M"uller for the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in perovskite oxides [4], and Alexei Abrikosov, Vitali Ginzburg, and Anthony Leggett for their theories of type II superconductivity and superfluidity [5].

  • Report will be up in a day or two.