
We lose track. We feel lost. Our parents and elders being the fountain of wisdom that they are tell us stories to guide us through such times. My parents did the same one day. They told me about how position makes a difference while traveling in trains (Mumbai Local). It so happens that the human population density at some train stations of Mumbai is so high that on arrival of a train, a person may get pushed by the flow of people into the wrong train. My parents experienced such a situation multiple times. Now being in the wrong train where there’s a bunch of unknown people who all have different destinations, Parents were not able to find any person who knew what the final destination of this train was. One may think that the best option is to get off the wrong train at the very next stop but then there might not be a reverse directional train to catch soon. On the other hand, the wrong train might actually lead to somewhere close to the intended destination. So Parent A decided to shift their sitting position closer and closer to the window seat from where one could see the name of the arriving Platform slightly in advance of the train stopping. If this arriving platform would be in the direction of the intended destination, its good to stay on the train. Otherwise, it is an early signal to get off. Parent B stayed fixed on their middle sitting position. Instead of trying to see through the window what was the arrival platform and having no clue about what the next platform would be, they asked the outgoing people what was their destination platforms and asked the incoming people where they were headed. As a result they knew well in advance about what platforms was the train to arrive at, not just for the immediate next platform. Position matters but not just physical position, mental position matters too. Mental Position takes form as physical position. Communication is change of position. Communication is balance. Dance is all about Balance. Right Position is the Right Balance.