Edward Yang’s Yi Yi

The title says it all. The Dual Phases of Yin and Yang are known to most in Philosophy. The genius of the Director is to end the Duel (Dual) by Identifying them. When there is two halves there is always change from one to the other but when they are identified to one, there is only Identity (Non-Duality). The Duel (Dual) becomes a Cycle (Balanced or a complete Dance). Yang identified to Yin which makes the story of Yin and Yang to a story of Yin and Yin or simply “Yi Yi”. His own name contains “Yang”. Moreover, he names the child character of the story to be “Yang-Yang”. This identifies that when two negatives are placed together, they form a positive or Reflection of a reflection is Identity (itself). That’s two cycles identified. There’s several other cycles (mass balances) within the film itslef which makes it a masterful symmetry to watch. In many ways this is a film that identifies our lives. Those who want to see structures (Math and Art folks) can see plenty of circles and linear structures emerging in this film. I identified my own life in small ways in this film. Everytime we face a choice, we always seem to be in a dilemma. I see the statement “When two sad people connect it is happiness” to be a form of the statement “when two negatives connect it is positive”.

Once we make a choice and settle into it, we earn for change. Do we ever change? What do we Identify with? I couldn’t help but compare with Robert Frost’s poetry The Road Not Taken.