Raining Naturally is part of Water Cycle

One part of the Water Conservation Cycle (0) is to condense (Rain). Water is Identity. In this cycle, Water (Identity) takes form as different Phases- Spherical Particles (Rain drops), Liquid water in water bodies like rivers and oceans and Water Vapour which cycles back to Water droplets and continues to cylce in these three forms through Evaporation and condensation. The cycle starts from where we start observing it: for some it starts from water droplets (rain) which decondenses to liquid water bodies which further decondenses to water vapour. However, this is just one half (one directional like linear time scale), if one keeps watching, after Water vapour, the cycle continues to show that the water vapour Condenses to give spherical (0) water droplets which is where we started watching the cycle. For those who start watching Water vapor, condensation is seen first and then decondensation. Thus de-condensation (forward direction for linear time) was followed by Condensation (reverse direction for linear time) or the opposite alternative to complete the Cycle \(\circ\). In any case, it requires joining both de-condensation (forward) and condensation (reverse) to form a complete cycle.

  • Spherical droplets of Rain are condensed forms of Vapours which come from an intermediate Cloud Phase (Nucleation site, see Phase Transformations).

I Rain when Nature Rains

It has started to rain in natural environment. I identify with the Language of Nature. I do what Nature does. I shall start to condense my ideas (rain) and formally write them in condensed spherical droplets (0).