Identifying Art and Mathematics

Mathematics is an Art which puts things into perspective. After all Art is all about placing everything in its right place. Cleaning is all about placing everything in tis right place. Art is cleaning. Classification is cleaning. Classification is fundamental to Mathematics as composition is to Art. Pictures come in different forms. Every equation in Mathematics paints a picture. Every Picture carries Mathematical equations. Nature is full of Art. Capturing Nature in Equations or as Art are different forms of the same process.

In childhood when I was told to pay attention to my handwriting and cleaning up, I felt it was not so necessary. My parents, especially my Mother would emphasize on cleanliness. In school, teachers would keep telling us to write neatly. I kept ignoring it and thought that it’s trivial stuff. I was immature. I was taught everything about cleaning again and again in different forms. When seeing the compositions in art museums I didn’t identify them as mathematics. It takes some time to identify. It takes time to bring together opposites and place them side by side. Math and art may be opposites in form but they are to be Identified as the same. Symmetries in Math and Compositions in Art are to be seen with the same eyes.